I’m so excited to share this healthy strawberry rhubarb crumble recipe – it’s sweetened with honey instead of refined sugar, made with coconut oil instead of butter, and it’s full of other healthy ingredients. Rhubarb + strawberry – it’s a classic combo, but not one I’ve really experienced much, surprisingly. So when OXO and Melissa’s Produce teamed […] Read more…
Archive of ‘Whole Grains’ category
Cook, Tweet, & Eat
Photo credit: Faith Gorsky Last weekend, I participated in Cook, Tweet, & Eat as part of our Cookbook Tour to promote An Edible Mosaic. 5 other bloggers, Amanda, Heather, Jennifer, Lana, Laura, and I, attempted to cook a dish from the cookbook simultaneously while live tweeting about it. The author of An Edible Mosaic, Faith Gorsky, joined us for the Twitter party, […] Read more…
Apple Cider Doughnuts with Salted Caramel

Guys, I’m not what you’d call…very coordinated. Usually this means a spilled glass of water (or wine…). Last week, it meant a sprained ankle. I landed wrong on my foot while I was working out and twisted it badly. Luckily nothing is broken, but I’m stuck on crutches for now, and I’m not sure how […] Read more…
Vegan Pumpkin Doughnuts

Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin. I opened two cans of it last weekend and baked my little heart out. Read more…
Healthy Blueberry Muffins

I tried to come up with a catchy name for these muffins. “Oatmeal,” “healthy,” and “whole wheat” don’t really sound that appealing, even though they’re accurate descriptors. When I hear “oatmeal muffin,” I think of a somewhat dry muffin with a chewy texture and small chunks of oatmeal. For these blueberry muffins, you give oats […] Read more…