Halloween is over and odds are you probably have some extra pumpkins laying around your house. Don’t toss them out! I have a simple recipe to make the seeds into a healthy and tasty snack, and next I’ll post a recipe to make pumpkin butter out of the flesh. We have a bunch of pumpkins, […] Read more…
Archive of ‘Snack’ category
Slow Cooker Monday: Pumpkin Bread

I’ve always been curious about making desserts in my slow cooker. I’ve seen some recipes for things like pudding and slow cooked fruit (I’ve tried maple apple compote and spiced & stuffed pears) but I was more interested in actually baking in a Crock Pot. I came across an article with simple directions for baking […] Read more…
Homemade Goldfish Crackers
Over the summer Tillamook hosted a Loaf Love Tour event at the Sacramento Zoo. I couldn’t attend so they sent me some cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses to sample instead. It took me a while to decide what to make with the cheese – there are so many options! Pizza, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, […] Read more…
Back to School Muffins
Target is packed. With people, with notebooks and pencils, lunch boxes and backpacks. This can only mean one thing: back to school time. I know that for most of you this probably happened already, possibly weeks ago, but I live in a college town where school starts at the end of September. I’m just now […] Read more…
Blood Orange Popsicles

For me, somehow this became the year of the epic blood oranges. First I found them for really cheap at TJ’s and made a salad dressing and upside down cardamom cake. Then I started getting loads of them from a family friend’s tree and made sparkling juice and marmalade. Yes, my popsicles are awesome rocket […] Read more…