Odds are, you know someone who doesn’t eat gluten. Some people have celiac disease, which is gluten intolerance, while many more are sensitive to gluten. It’s become a bit of a trendy diet in the last few years, which makes it seem silly or unnecessary to some, but many people really do benefit from eating […] Read more…
Archive of ‘Gluten Free’ category
Homemade Sunbutter
Many schools and family events are peanut-free or completely nut-free due to allergy concerns. There are several alternative nut butters, like almond and cashew, but if you want or need to avoid all nuts, the only options I know of are soynut and sunbutter. Soy is another relatively common allergy in young children, so it seems […] Read more…
Homemade Ketchup
Ketchup. I love it with fries, burgers, potatoes and eggs. I think this is an American thing mostly (I know there’s lots of international readers out there – do you eat much ketchup?), but I can’t quite imagine enjoying some French fries without it. Now there’s even a word for people who overuse ketchup: disrespectchup. As […] Read more…
Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread
Ok…so I need to stop making desserts. At the time I made this, in my house I had homemade Nutella pie, molten chocolate cookies, and See’s candy. Please send in suggestions for savory things I can make! Despite my complaining, this homemade chocolate peanut butter is amazing and worth it (plus, it’s mostly nuts so it’s […] Read more…
Gluten Free Molten Chocolate Chip Cookies

I received a request to make a gluten-free version of Richard Ruskell’s Food Network Challenge molten chocolate chip cookies. The recipe only contains a small amount of flour, so it seemed pretty simple. I swapped it out for Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free all-purpose baking flour (a combination of garbanzo bean flour, potato starch, tapioca flour, white […] Read more…