5 Ways to Organize Your Baking Supplies {Free Printable}

5 easy tips to organize your baking supplies

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I own a lot of baking supplies…

We’re talking dozens and dozens of cupcake liners, bottles of sprinkles, and bags of sugar 😕

Now that I have that off my chest, let me show you the mess that was my baking supplies:

Before and after - get 5 easy tips to organize your baking supplies

The cabinet on the left was a serious issue – stuff falling out when you open it, baskets overflowing with random stuff (cause stuff in baskets seems organized, right?). On the right there were so many bags and bottles, things got buried and I either couldn’t find things when I need them or forgot what I had. It was just too. much. stuff.

So when OXO offered me some POP Containers to try out, I figured it was time to finally get organized

What a difference the “after” shot is, right?! Not only does everything fit into one set of cabinets, but it’s all visible, organized, and labeled. This makes a huge difference when I need to know what I have on hand and will hopefully prevent that awful moment of being mid-mixing dough and realizing I just ran out of sugar.

Here are my 5 tips to getting your baking supplies arranged and organized:

1. Purge and Organize


Warning: things will get more messy before they get better. My cabinets sure look good up there, but the counter was an awful mess – spilled sugar, bags everywhere, and completely chaotic while I tried to figure out how to fit and organize everything.

Here’s how I recommend doing it – first, take everything out and take stock of what you have. For instance, you might realize you have 12 different bags of sugar.

So many kinds of sugar

Or a ridiculous amount of cupcake liners.

So many cupcake liners

You may also find baking supplies that expired two years ago.

Either way, get rid of the old, the expired, and the things you haven’t used in 2+ years. Make a pile of things you no longer need but are still good (you can pass them on to a friend who loves baking). Everything you’re going to keep goes into another pile, which you can organize for storage.

2. Use Containers

Organized baking supplies

The thing that really made the difference for me was the OXO POP Containers. I used the 10-Piece POP Container Set to organize my major baking supplies – flours, sugars, etc. I love that the containers are clear so you can see not only what is in them, but how much is left. They’re also designed especially for keeping your pantry organized – the lids are flat and made for stacking and their square and rectangular shapes are space efficient. You can also open them with one hand, which is a major bonus when your other hand is covered in flour.

How to organize cupcake linersOrganizing my cupcake liners was one of my favorite projects during this organization process. Isn’t the end result so pretty?! I couldn’t fit quite all of my liners into this container (which is actually meant for spaghetti), but I got almost all of them in there. To make it extra pretty, I organized them by color and then did a rainbow pattern from bottom to top. I used a large mason jar for the remainder of the liners.

BONUS: Right now you can WIN a $500 prize pack of organizational tools and gift card from OXO! Click here to enter. 

3. Label Everything

Labeled baking supplies

This was my second favorite part of the organization process. Who doesn’t love a pretty label? I designed these on PicMonkey and printed them on clear mailing labels. They weren’t quite as clear as I hoped, so I think next time I’ll trim them before applying. Other than that, they work great.

Here is a free printable for you to use for your baking supply labels. I filled in some with the basics (AP flour, sugar, etc.) and left blank shapes for you to fill in with your specialty supplies. I recommend downloading the blank image from the doc, uploading to PicMonkey to fill it in with the font (I used Mission Script), and then insert it back into the doc for printing.

Download (DOC, 1.85MB)

4. Use a Tray/Turntable for Smaller Items

Use trays to organize baking supplies

For smaller supplies that don’t make sense to put into large containers, I found a great way to keep them organized so they don’t turn into endless piles of tiny bottles. Line them up on a tray (most used supplies in front) or use a turntable (aka Lazy Susan) for optimal access to every supply. You can either take the whole tray out of the cabinet to get the supplies you need or give your turntable a spin.

5. Buy in Bulk

This is less of an organizational tip, but more of a money saving tip once you’ve followed the steps listed above. Lots of stores sell baking supplies in bulk (Whole Foods, food co-ops, Sprouts, etc.). You can bring your own containers, which saves a bag (good for the environment!) and buy exactly how much you need. Bring in your POP Container, weigh it before you fill it up, note the weight (called the tare) and mark it down with the bin number. When you check out, the checker will weight it, remove the tare, and you get exactly how much whole wheat flour you need in a container that will fit perfectly into your organized pantry.


Here’s a pin board for more organizational inspiration:

Follow Stephanie Saunders (52 Kitchen Adventures)’s board Organize the Kitchen on Pinterest.


Enter to win $500 prize pack, including up to $250 of OXO organizational tools and a $250 Elfa gift card!

What tips do YOU have for organizing your baking supplies?

Although I received products from OXO, this is not a sponsored post. All of the text and opinions are my own.

9 Comments on 5 Ways to Organize Your Baking Supplies {Free Printable}

    • Stephanie Saunders
      October 15, 2014 at 3:02 pm (10 years ago)

      Heather, I know how just you feel. It seems overwhelming when you have baking stuff all over the place. Be sure to enter that contest!

  1. Debbie James
    October 15, 2014 at 1:06 pm (10 years ago)

    My cabinets, countertops, and kitchen table all look like the before pictures!! I so need help! Really enjoy your site.

    • Stephanie Saunders
      October 15, 2014 at 3:02 pm (10 years ago)

      Debbie, it sounds like you need an organizational makeover! I hope you enter that contest and win! Thanks for reading, I’m so glad you enjoy my site 🙂

  2. Jeanette
    August 30, 2015 at 8:19 am (10 years ago)

    This is all great for those who have cabinet space. But what about those of us who don’t. Currently I keep my baking supplies in small plastic tote containers. On selves in a small multi purpose pantry closet. I was hoping to find storage solutions for on the market organizers.

  3. Donna Barstow Cartoons
    October 4, 2015 at 12:05 am (9 years ago)

    I came looking for ways to organize those shifty sugar bags and flour sacks! Thanks.
    Wish the contest wasn’t over….

  4. Melanie
    January 4, 2018 at 11:53 am (7 years ago)

    This is helpful but I was looking for ideas on storing all of my bulky baking tools that I don’t use all that often: rolling pins, non-stackable round cake pans, muffin tins, springform pan, etc. Any ideas for that stuff?

    • Joannie
      June 15, 2018 at 10:03 pm (7 years ago)

      I have a few larger totes with lids that I keep my larger items in. (Also the one’s I don’t want getting used by my bf and kids to scramble eggs lol) i measured my cabinet that I store the baking pans in and have the containers under the pans themselves. I keep everything in them from hand mixers and attachments to my spatulas and measuring cups.

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