July 2013 archive

The Ultimate Brownie Sundae #IScream4ID

If you don’t like brownies, this one isn’t for you. This is literally brownies on brownies on brownies. On brownies. Let me explain. International Delight has some new flavors from Coldstone Creamery. This already sounds good, right? I got to try out Founder’s Favorite, which they describe as a Brownie Sundae flavor. It tastes like […] Read more…

Paleo Blueberry Bars

You know how much I love baking decadent desserts. The thing is, 99% of the time I do try to eat well and sometimes I like to combine my love of baking with eating healthy. It’s finally blueberry season (I wait all year long for my favorite fruit!) so I wanted to attempt a healthier […] Read more…

Beer Float Popsicles

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a fun collage on my feed last Friday. We often have fun treats at our monthly team meetings, and this time my coworker Erika had a great idea – beer floats! She brought in some chocolate stout and we poured it over vanilla ice cream. […] Read more…

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