May 2012 archive

Slow Cooker Blueberry Butter

If you’re a longtime fan of 52 Kitchen Adventures, you probably remember Slow Cooker Mondays. I haven’t posted any slow cooker recipes in a while, although if you’re looking for more of these recipes, see all of mine on my page of Slow Cooker Recipes. Today isn’t Monday, but Monday was a holiday and I […] Read more…

Mancakes: Beer, Bacon & Cheese Cupcakes

In my recap post about Eat, Write, Retreat, a food blogging conference I attended a few weeks ago, I mentioned that we participated in a cooking competition. Everyone at the conference was divided into teams of 3 or 4 and tasked with creating a dish in 1 hour that included as many of the secret […] Read more…

Nutella Strawberry Smoothie

  I love smoothies because they’re easy, fast, and so simple to customize with your favorite flavors. Last spring I posted chocolate raspberry smoothie and tropical green smoothie (spring is clearly the start of smoothie season for me). This year I’m feeling a little more decadent, plus I’m still going through my Costco supply of Nutella, so I knew […] Read more…

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