March 2012 archive

Peepcakes: Fun Spring Peeps Cupcakes

When Frigidaire asked me to create a springtime recipe, I have to admit that my first thought was bunnies. A normal person would probably have thought of seasonal ingredients, but I went straight to a bunny cupcake. I wanted to make one that looked like my lop-eared bunny, but if you read my post last […] Read more…

Homemade Marshmallow Peeps

I always visit the seasonal section at Target to see what kind of baking supplies they have. It’s usually a lot of sprinkles and baking mixes I don’t need, but there’s always some special pan I end up coveting. At Valentine’s Day, it was a heart shaped doughnut pan that I got for 50% the day […] Read more…

How to Make Cake Pops

A couple of weeks ago I posted my 5 tricks to make cake pops more easily – ways I’ve found to cut down on time and frustration by using kitchen tools I already had. The post got a lot of comments and feedback, along with some questions about making cake pops that made me realize […] Read more…

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