September 2011 archive

Eat Real Festival Recap

Last Saturday I visited the annual Eat Real Fest in Oakland, CA. The festival is full of local food trucks, demos, DIY food fun, butchery contests, and more. The focus is on high quality (“real”) foods plus how to make and grow your own food. The whole thing was a lot of fun, with some freebies, […] Read more…

Homemade Goldfish Crackers

Over the summer Tillamook hosted a Loaf Love Tour event at the Sacramento Zoo. I couldn’t attend so they sent me some cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses to sample instead. It took me a while to decide what to make with the cheese – there are so many options! Pizza, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, […] Read more…

Salted Caramel Cupcakes

I’m curious – what do you associate with 52 Kitchen Adventures? I’ve avoided calling it a baking blog because I didn’t want to be stuck in a theme after being stuck in one for the first year of my blog (wondering why it’s called 52 Kitchen Adventures? See the “about” section to learn more). I know […] Read more…

Back to School Muffins

Target is packed. With people, with notebooks and pencils, lunch boxes and backpacks. This can only mean one thing: back to school time. I know that for most of you this probably happened already, possibly weeks ago, but I live in a college town where school starts at the end of September. I’m just now […] Read more…

Melted Crayon Art Tutorial

We’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming for a crafts tutorial today. If that’s not your thing, please skip this post and tune in again on Thursday for a delicious (and healthy) muffin recipe. I was hesitant to put up something that’s not food related, but I polled my Facebook fans and they […] Read more…

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