July 2011 archive

Mojito Popsicles

Oh my goodness, I tweeted about making these and got a lot of response. Apparently booze + popsicles is a very popular idea, and that shouldn’t be a big surprise. After all, if you’re in the northern hemisphere odds are that it’s hot where you are. Doesn’t sitting by the pool with a cocktail sound […] Read more…

Patriotic Mini Pavlovas

I hope you had a great 4th of July! What did you do to celebrate? And, to my international friends, did you do anything fun this weekend? My awesome Australian friend Susie came over and we whipped up a traditional Australian dessert. And then promptly made it American with red and blue fruit. Although, the […] Read more…

Fourth of July Recipe Roundup

Firecracker cupcakes Happy Friday! And for all my U.S. readers, happy 3 day weekend! Monday is our Independence Day, the 4th of July. In celebration, I’ve rounded up a variety of mouth watering recipes that would be perfect for a 4th of July BBQ. Enjoy! Appetizers/Side Dishes: Strawberry Spinach Salad (Fat Girl Trapped in a […] Read more…

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