July 2011 archive

Chocolate Nutella Cupcakes

Hey, remember when I said I’d be posting healthy recipes in July? Ha! Since then I’ve shared recipes for mojito popsicles, chocolate cupcakes, blood orange sorbet, and now chocolate Nutella cupcakes (also, next up: carrot cake cupcakes). So, lesson learned: don’t listen to me and don’t expect anything healthy when you visit this blog! These […] Read more…

Blood Orange Sorbet

Happy Friday! I realized that I mentioned this blood orange sorbet in the blood orange popsicle post and then never shared it with you all! Whoops…so here a refreshing send off to your weekend – a colorful and flavorful sorbet. Hope you stay cool where ever you are! This is the final blood orange recipe […] Read more…

“Better Than Sex” Chocolate Cupcakes

Edited to add: I made these chocolate cupcakes with a Nutella buttercream. If you love Nutella, you have to check them out! …I think the title says it all. These cupcakes actually live up to their lofty name. The cake part is really moist with a strong chocolate flavor, and topping them with dark chocolate ganache […] Read more…

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