May 2011 archive

Slow Cooker Monday: Granola

Today we can celebrate meatless Monday and slow cooker Monday with the same thing: granola. Unfortunately this isn’t one of those recipes where you toss the ingredients in the Crock Pot and walk away for 8 hours recipes; instead, you have to stir occasionally. It’s a good project for an afternoon when you’re home and […] Read more…

Homemade Blended Iced Coffee

Whatever you call blended coffee -Frappuccinos, Freddos, Coffee Ice Blended, etc.- it is a refreshing way to enjoy coffee in the hot summer months. It’s like a grown-up slushie, which can be made as sweet and indulgent as the junk food classic with added sugar and flavored syrups. I prefer mine with a dash of cocoa […] Read more…

Homemade Sunbutter

Many schools and family events are peanut-free or completely nut-free due to allergy concerns. There are several alternative nut butters, like almond and cashew, but if you want or need to avoid all nuts, the only options I know of are soynut and sunbutter. Soy is another relatively common allergy in young children, so it seems […] Read more…

Blood Orange Marmalade

This is my second attempt at canning. The first was strawberry jam last year. Both times, I’ve found the whole process to be a lot of effort for a smaller result than I was expecting (3 or 4 8-oz. jars each time). I’m determined not to hate preserving, because I think it’s a wonderful way […] Read more…

Slow Cooker Monday: Chicken Adobo

When I posted a plea for savory recipes after my kitchen was filled with a few too many desserts, Carolyn from All I Dream About is Food suggested her chicken adobo. It’s one of her favorite chicken recipes, plus it’s easy with fairly minimal effort involved. After reading her post, I thought it sounded like […] Read more…

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