February 2011 archive

Part 2: Homemade Limoncello

Back in December I found Buddha’s hand, a fragrant and oddly shaped citron that is all zest. I grated it up and placed it in a jar filled with a bottle of vodka. It sat in a dark, cool closet for around 7 weeks, when I took it out to find a strongly flavored citron […] Read more…

Surviving a Month Without Refined Sugar

Foods with no added sugar – not sure what I would have done without them! For the month of January, I didn’t eat refined sugar. It wasn’t easy at first, but once I located foods that didn’t contain refined sugar (it was sadly difficult to do so), it wasn’t too bad. The hardest part was […] Read more…

Chocolate Covered Raspberry Marshmallow Pops

Valentine’s Day – some people hate it, some people love it, some spend exorbitant amounts on overpriced flowers. Personally, I can take it or leave it. It’s lovely idea to have a day to celebrate love, but it shouldn’t be just one day out of the year. Anyway, whether you like the holiday or not, […] Read more…

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