January 2011 archive

Slow Cooker BBQ Pulled Pork

Welcome to a new segment: Slow Cooker Monday! Look for slow cooker recipes here every Monday. Please leave a comment here or contact me if you have any requests. Once a week we now have a slow cooker day in my house. While our schedules typically vary wildly, there’s one day when both Russ and […] Read more…

Homemade Garlic Compound Butter

Last week I made homemade butter, which turned out to be extremely easy and tastes just like commercial butter. I wanted to do something fun with it, but baking with it would just use it up (not to mention I’m not eating processed sugar this month) and simply spreading it on toast seemed boring. Instead, […] Read more…

How to Make Butter in Less than 30 Minutes

Have you ever ended up with a half carton of heavy whipping cream after a baking project? In the past, I’ve always kept it around, just in case I found a use for it…and, 3 weeks later, it would end up in the trash. What a waste! But never again. I am here to tell […] Read more…

Twenty Eleven

First of all, I accidentally missed my blog’s 1st birthday. Happy 1st Blogoversary to 52 Kitchen Adventures, a 2010 New Year’s resolution that was actually kept and finished! Lists of the top posts of 2010 and recaps of last year have been flooding the blogosphere, but I already recapped the 52 adventures here a few […] Read more…

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