September 2010 archive

Week 39: Black Summer Truffles

I realize we keep doing fungi here; first morels, then candy caps, now truffles. We bought a small jar of black summer truffles at Sur La Table not too long ago, and Russ has been itching to use them. I, on the other hand, have to admit that I think truffles smell absolutely horrible. I […] Read more…

Project Food Blog: A Classic Greek Dessert

The second challenge of Project Food Blog is to make a classic dish from another culture that is outside your comfort zone. After considering several different ethnic foods, I settled on Greek food in honor of Russ. He is half Greek, studied Greek history in college, and would have had a very cool Greek last […] Read more…

Week 38: Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is the fruit from a cactus. Although native to South America and Mexico, the cacti are now also cultivated in Asia, Hawaii, and Australia. They only bloom at night, leading the fragrant white flowers to be nicknamed “moon flower” and “Queen of the Night,” and causing a dependence on […] Read more…

Project Food Blog: Try Anything Once

Project Food Blog, a competition that will use 10 challenges to slowly whittle down almost 1847 food bloggers to one lucky winner, has begun. Readers get to vote 1 blogger through and a panel of distinguished judges will decide who else goes through each round. The first round challenged participants to define themselves as food […] Read more…

Week 37: Candy Cap Mushrooms

Recently, Russ and I visited Portland, where we went to an amazing farmer’s market. Uh-mazing. We’re talkin’ tables as far as the eye could see, piled high with perfectly ripe heirloom tomatoes, fragrant herbs, colorful bell peppers, and row upon row of luscious berries – strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries (my favorites). There was every […] Read more…

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