June 2010 archive

One More Reminder – Go Vote!

Voting ends tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Ice Cream Cupcake Roundup. If you haven’t already done so, please go over and vote for my chocolate bacon cupcake. Over 600 people have voted and as of Monday, the top 2 cupcakes were only 12 votes apart! Also, just for voting, you’ll be entered to win a prize […] Read more…

Taste & Create: Balsamic Blackberry Sauce

Taste & Create is a great concept: each month, food bloggers sign up to be paired up and make a recipe from their partner’s food blog and share the results. (Interested in participating? Go here to find out more!) I participated in this month’s challenge, which partnered me up with Tamy from Always Eat on […] Read more…

Week 25: Agave Nectar

Agave nectar has become more and more commonplace over the past few years (my local Costco even carries giant bottles of it). It’s a liquid alternative to sugar that you can use to sweeten baked goods, coffee, tea, etc., and is sweeter and less viscous than honey. Many vegans use it because some white sugar […] Read more…

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